Sunday, October 7, 2012

Black Forest Tart - Sis Nasya ☺

Hello cupcake lovers wherever you are!
Long time not been here, Cupcake Tudo telah membuat kreasi baru yaitu Yummy Black Forest Tart with Fresh Strawberries covered with Creamy Sweet Chocolate. Hmmm :9 penasaran? Yuk intip seperti apa kuenya! :D

Yummy Black Forest Tart with Fresh Strawberries covered with
Creamy Sweet Chocolate
Happy Birthday cake~! ♥
requested by : Sis Nasya ☺

Hey, what do you think? Menggoda selera banget kan? :D
Tertarik? Tapi masih bingung, ragu atau bimbang? klik disini! ☺
Saya akan menjawab keragu-raguan kalian semua!

Yuk! Cherish our sweet moments dengan cupcake dan cake homemade Cupcake Tudo!
Anyway, have sweet days everyone!

Cupcake Tudo Owner ♥

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Happy 17th Birthday Panda Edition Jeje - Kelpo ☺

Hello cupcake lovers wherever you are ☺♥

What animal which you like? Apa kalian suka panda? ☺
Well, post kali ini akan sangat cocok untuk kalian panda lovers! Cupcake ini dipesan oleh teman seangkatan di sekolah saya. Penasaran seperti apa? Langsung aja yuk check it out! ☺♥

Happy Birthday Jeje ♥
All about PANDA ♥
requested by Kelpo

How was that? ☺♥
Unyu kah? Imut kah? Cute kah? ☺
Yup! That's very cute! ♥
Mau hari-hari spesialmu jadi makin unyu, imut, cute dan manis? ☺ HERE!

See you next time with our sweet cute cupcakes everyone! ☺


Cupcake Tudo Owner ☺